Friday, April 20, 2012

Late night eating

I've heard it's not good to eat after a certain time of night...what is the reason for that?

Eating late after a certain time won't cause you to magically gain weight overnight. What matters depends on the total calories you've eaten throughout the day. Usually by late evening, we've already met our calorie intake and late night snacking takes us over that level. The idea is that we don't want to go to bed on a full stomach. Basically, the body is trying to get ready for sleep and now it's trying to work hard to digest a large meal. This can also cause problems for people with acid reflux.

However, we don't want to go to bed so hungry that our stomach is growling...which will also keep us awake. If you haven't met your calorie intake for the day or you are really hungry, have a small snack...preferably with some protein.  

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