Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We'd like to hear from you....what are some of your favorite, quick healthy meals you like to have for breakfast or lunch? (You can submit your response as anyonmous)


  1. instant oatmeal at my desk, whole fruit (bananas, oranges, strawberries), an english muffin toasted at work, yogurt or cereal. lunch: salad from the cafe or sushi from the cafe.

  2. Scrambled eggs reheated by themselves don't taste that great, but I've found that if you reheat them and put them on a mini whole wheat bagel with just a teensy bit of butter, they make a quick and easy breakfast sandwich if you're in a hurry. For this reason, I like to have small tupperware of them ready to go as part of my pre-week prep. The mini bagels really help with portion control, and the sandwich is much cheaper and healthier than fast food breakfast sandwiches.
